Scheduled body servicing for tailifts
If you’re the owner of a tailift truck, every six months you are legally required to have a LOLER inspection.
LOLER (which stands for Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations) is a visual inspection of your tailift where defects are looked for.
In addition to that, every 12 months you have a tailift statutory service and weight, alongside your bi-annual LOLER inspection.
This inspection is a hands-on service where problems are detected and fixed and your tail lift is tested to ensure that it is working properly. At this 12 month service we also perform a weight test to make sure it
won’t lift any more than its specified weight, but also that it will lift the maximum load efficiently and without any problems.
Winch inspection for beavertail truck
While a winch inspection isn’t a legal requirement for your beavertail truck, most companies will need to be able to prove that the winch has been maintained safely through its entire use. There is also no set time
that this inspection needs to be performed as this depends entirely on how often the winch is used. Most companies opt for a winch inspection every 12 months.
End-of-hire body inspection
An end-of-hire body inspection can be performed for the user or the fleet management company.
If you are returning a long-used vehicle, around three months before the return date we can come and perform a full body inspection including – but not limited to – checking the wings, roof, tailift, flooring,
sideguards… Our team will look at absolutely everything and can give you a quote to do these body repairs rather than you being faced with a big bill upon its return.